Archive of month: March 2013

Top Information and Communications Technologies for 2013

With the growth of smartphone ownership and mobile device usage, data networks must rapidly evolve to meet the growing information needs of a highly connected world. In this first installment of the series on communications and networking, five trends are discussed that will impact communications technology in 2013. This paper also examines potential for cellular […]

Introduction In January 2009, newly elected President, Barack Obama, issued a memorandum to deliver recommendations for an Open Government Directive within 120 days. In this memorandum, the President noted that openness in government “strengthen[s] our democracy and promote[s] efficiency and effectiveness in Government (Lakhani et. al., 2010, Exhibit 1). The vision was to promote public […]

Hollywood and Technology

Introduction  Hollywood executives today face a host of challenges that go far beyond whether an audience will fall in love with their movie or television series. Web 2.0 has democratized content production overall, and this includes video production. Savvy filmmakers are no longer at the mercy of big studio greenlighting processes, and can opt instead […]